The Management Committee is continuing to meet (virtually) on a weekly basis to actively review and manage our Covid-19 Risk Assessment. These are the updates to our training sessions and the health and safety measures we have in place.
The club car park will be re-opening on a Monday evening only. Please park your cars leaving an empty parking space between you and the next car. Use the hand sanitiser as normal then assemble for the Senior Group run on the circle outside the club in groups of no more than six. It is not possible to open the car park on other nights yet without potentially compromising the health and safety of our members. The car park is needed to be used as a safe area for the social distancing of the athletes who train on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Currently the clubhouse and changing/toilets will have to remain closed, but we are looking into ways to reopen them as soon as it is possible to do so safely.
Covid-19 Training Sessions and Club Nights
Mondays:Martin’s Junior Training: At the track. 5:30 and 6:30 pm by pre-arrangement only.
Senior Group Run: 6:30pm.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Junior Training 5:45pm and 6:45pm by pre-arrangement only. There is currently a waiting list.
Senior Tuesday/Thursday Sessions 5:30pm and 6:30pm by pre-arrangement only. Please contact Martin Bailey directly. These are currently not track-based to allow effective social distancing.
C25K 6:30pm. pre-booked by the run together app – Course is full
Senior Group Run: 6:30pm.
Improvers Group: 7:00pm. By pre-arrangement only. Please contact Jon Kemp.
Thank you to all the Volunteers, Committee, Coaches and Run leaders for all your hard work in helping the club to put in place all the health and safety measures needed to resume the current levels of training activities. We will continue to keep in close contact with England Athletics for any updates to training and/or competition and will update the members as soon as possible.