It was a very successful day for all the Junior and Senior runners at Stafford XC on Saturday. It was a great day for the 33 juniors, 2 under 20s and 33 seniors who braved the muddy course to compete for the club. There were some fantastic performances from all runners complete with a well deserved recovery at the nearby Shire House pub.
Congratulations to Charlie Brown who came first in the under 13 boys category and Jacob Droogmans who came first in the male senior race.
Current Rankings:
Female under 11 – 3rd place
Male under 11 – joint 1st place
Female under 13 – 3rd place
Male under 13 – 3rd place
Male under 15 – 2nd place
Female under 17 – 2nd place
Female Seniors – 3rd place
Female Vets – 8th place
Male Senior – 2nd place
Male Vets v40 – 3rd place
Male Vets v50 – 2nd place