U/20 Athletes Jordan Nixon, Rebecca Twardochleb and Sophie Goodfellow all competed in our very own 10km Road Race on Sunday. Taking on athletes with much more road racing experience all three had very good runs. Jordan Nixon continued his return from injury running 38:20 to finish in 22nd position, whilst in the Ladies race Becky and Sophie both recorded big new PB’s and finished in 1st and 2nd places respectively, whilst also helping our ladies team to gold too. Becky’s time was 38:33 and Sophie time was 40:41. Becky and Sophie have both been members of the club and coached by our junior coaching team since they were 8 years old so its great to see their progress right to the front in the Senior fields! Congratulations to all three of our juniors!

Photos courtesy of Brian Dale – www.racephotos.org.uk